During 2014-2017, Modern Moves will host a series of conversations between academics and cultural producers to showcase the most exciting aspects of the Afro-diasporic dance floor. The rationale behind the Moving Conversations is the same as that which dictates the structure of our symposium Creolizing Dance around paired conversations: the need to create comfortable and stimulating formats for the genuine exchange of knowledge between people, who wouldn’t perhaps find themselves in the same space were it not for Modern Moves bringing them together. Our role as careful curators and genial hosts draws inspiration in equal measure from the dance floor and the successful dinner party- on the one hand, the unexpected brilliance and improvisational energy sparked off by the random yet knowing assemblage of strangers in the same space, to enjoy the music, the movement and the moment; and, on the other, the well-crafted seating arrangements which a good host spends time and thought behind in order to ensure a relaxed and convivial table of guests. Most of our Moving Conversations will involve at least one person from our Advisory Board, paired with a suitable conversation partner drawn from our wider networks.
Our first Moving Conversation is scheduled for the 14th of November 2014. We bring together two Advisory Board members, both long-term supporters of Modern Moves: Ato Quayson and Magna Gopal. This is bound to be an electrifying encounter!

Friday 14th of November
Anatomy Museum, King’s College London, Strand Campus.
Afterparty from 8pm onwards at Anatomy Museum, King’s College London, Strand Campus: all welcome!
The event is free but please register online here!