Creole Power: Modern Moves Closing Party
Friday 4th May 2018 Anatomy Lecture Theatre (day) and Great Hall (evening) King’s College London, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS Five years of Modern Moves draw to a close. Celebrate with…
Friday 4th May 2018 Anatomy Lecture Theatre (day) and Great Hall (evening) King’s College London, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS Five years of Modern Moves draw to a close. Celebrate with…
Modern Moves postdoctoral research associate madison moore’s first book Fabulous: The Rise of the Beautiful Eccentric will be published in the US this April and in June in the UK…
October and November 2017 sees some exciting developments as our research team splits into two in order to conduct simultaneous field trips in the Indian Ocean and the United States. Project…
AfriCarrefour: Madagascar/ Cabo Verde: Africa at the crossroads of oceans and cultures FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC– like all our events. With this very special event on the 28th of September…
Moving Conversation #9: Thomas Presto and Gladys Francis 30TH JUNE 2017 ANATOMY MUSEUM, KING’S COLLEGE LONDON, 6.30 PM A conversation between THOMAS PRESTØ, Norway and Trinidad Artistic director of Tabanka…
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the European Research Council, which funds MODERN MOVES through an Advanced Research Grant awarded to Professor Ananya Kabir, The Modern Moves research team is…
Prof Ananya Jahanara Kabir has been chosen by the European Research Council to be one of ten ERC award holders worldwide whose academics achievements and personal passions are showcased in…
Moving Conversation #8 with Alex Wilson & Lucy Durán 2nd March 2017, 6.30-10pm King’s College London, Strand Campus, Anatomy Museum Modern Moves presents a very special Moving Conversation centered on…
In May 2016, Modern Moves celebrated our 3rd birthday in our usual decadent fashion with a party and research showcase in honor of dancer, choreographer and anthropologist Katherine Dunham.
Modern Moves presents a very special Moving Conversation centered on blackness, queerness and the global voguing and ballroom scene featuring renowned DJ/producer Vjuan Allureand dance studies scholar Melissa Blanco Borelli of Royal Holloway…
Friday 4th May 2018 Anatomy Lecture Theatre (day) and Great Hall (evening) King’s College London, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS Five years of Modern Moves draw to a close. Celebrate with…
Our fifth Moving Group was dedicated to an exploration of tango music and dance, and it involved a double bill. First, we heard Dr Kendra Stepputat, ethnomusicologist from the University…